paregoric|paregorics in English


[par·e·gor·ic || ‚pærə'gɔrɪk /-'gɒrɪk]

sedative, relaxant medicatio

Use "paregoric|paregorics" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "paregoric|paregorics" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "paregoric|paregorics", or refer to the context using the word "paregoric|paregorics" in the English Dictionary.

1. [Greek] παρηγορία (parēgoria), [Latin] Consolationem, [Latin] solacium: comfort, exhortation, mitigation, consolation, assistance, help, relief; Col.4:11 An old bottle of Paregoric, circa 1940’s

2. Besides carbon dioxide, the fresh carbonic acid snow contains 9,6 + 5% pCi radon 222 per liters and 1,5 + 15% pCi radium 226 per liters, which act as a paregoric and intensifying factor in case of carbon dioxide.